Grant Received for PastPerfect Software

Mary Mitchell and John Miller, receive a grant from Frank Vanyo, of The Sandusky County Communities Foundation.
The Bellevue Historical Society recently received a grant from the Sandusky County Communities Foundation for the purchase of PastPerfect Museum Software and training materials to help implement the program. PastPerfect is used by many smaller museums and is endorsed by the American Association for State and Local History.
In Bellevue the program will be very useful as a tool in cataloguing the Society’s collection as well as a means for managing membership and donation records. Volunteers will be able to add new items to the system as they are donated and it will be much easier to access available items and avoid duplications. This will assist in the development of presentations and exhibits by theme or by time period.
The society plans to purchase a computer and the accompanying devices needed to implement PastPerfect. A part of the Helen Walter bequest will be used for this purpose. It will take time and effort, but PastPerfect should greatly improve the efficiency of the organization.
On November 14, 2013 Mary Mitchell and John Miller attended a reception at the Fremont Country Club at which the grants were awarded. The Society would like to thank the trustees of The Sandusky County Communities Foundation for their generosity.